Performance Equals Comfort and Efficiency

Performance Equals Comfort and Efficiency

AIr Quality & ComfortWe’ve learned a lot over our last two decades of HVAC work. One of the most important has been that wanted and needed performance occurs when comfort and efficiency intersect perfectly.

Twenty years ago, comfort and efficiency were thought to be mutually exclusive; if you wanted efficiency, you’d sacrifice comfort; if you wanted comfort, you sacrificed efficiency. As it turns out, nothing could be further from the truth!

With the measured, delivered performance of an HVAC automation system as offered by Control Technologies, you can get the best of both worlds: the comfort you seek and the cost-savings of running an efficient HVAC system. Utilizing HVAC access control solutions for your heating and cooling system helps you maintain a safer, healthier home. How? HVAC automation ensures that your heating and cooling system runs at peak performance; this means it delivers cleaner, healthier air throughout your home or office space. Optimal performance of your HVAC system also means your home or office space is well-balanced, greatly reducing pressure zones; in turn, this reduces potential flue spillage and other causes of carbon dioxide.

When we look at a home or office space for service, we look at the physics of the entire space, including the mechanical systems. Therefore, we don’t just focus on saving you energy; we look at how you need to effectively use that energy. All the physical aspects of a home or office space are tied to one another. This includes whether or not the space has proper insulation, proper sealing and how well the duct work functions. We use real testing – not simulations or modeling, to determine this -because your HVAC’s system performance is directly impacted by how all these mechanics work together.

Making our customers’ home and work spaces comfortable is a Control Technologies primary mission. For more information on how we can help your space become both comfortable and efficient, contact us today.