NYC Local Law 87 Compliance – Energy Audits and Retro-commissioning

NYC Local Law 87 Compliance – Energy Audits and Retro-commissioning

NYC Local Law 87If you are a property owner in New York City, you are probably already thinking about compliance with Local Law 87 (LL87), which was enacted in 2009 as part of the plaNYC ‘Greener, Greater Buildings Plan’. If your tax ID number ends in a “3”, and your building is 50,000 square feet or more, 2013 is your year for measuring and benchmarking the energy and water use of your buildings. And it turns out that, even if you are due to comply later than this year, early compliance will likely cost you less in time and data gathering than if you wait until after 2013 – and you get a 10-year exemption from performing new benchmarking studies.

Penalties for non-compliance are substantial, and could cost building owners between $3000 and $5000 fees for every year of non-compliance. Avoiding penalties means contracting with a company that can provide certified ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audit and Retro-commissioning teams comprised of registered design and energy audit professionals.  Companies approved for energy audits and retro-commissioning will be seeing increased demands over the first 10-year compliance schedule, as the New York City Department of Buildings attempts to certify more than 1,600 buildings per year after 2013.

Control Technologies is certified to provide complete auditing, retro commissioning, and reporting services for NYC Local Law 87compliance.  The ASHRAE Level II energy audit will help building owners and managers complete the energy analysis and benchmarking process so that you can comply with the law and identify the energy projects that make the most financial sense for your buildings. Retro-commissioning – or troubleshooting and adjusting mechanical systems and control systems to optimize energy performance – often returns 5% – 15% annually in capital investment in energy systems, and can often return your complete investment in 2 years or less.