CTI is Combining Forces

Control Technologies has done it, again!

We continuously strive to deliver the most innovative solutions to our customers so we’ve taken a bold step – we will become a single source for comprehensive HVAC systems and high-quality building automation solutions.

How will we accomplish this?

We’ll merge operations with HTS New England to become the largest independent HVAC solutions provider in New England. Together we’ll deliver the industry’s leading HVAC equipment with the most advanced IP-based DDC controls system on the market to Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, and beyond.

CTI and HTS are combining forcesWhy HTS?

HTS has a deep understanding of HVAC equipment and related implementation that matches perfectly with CTI’s solutions. HTS is one of the fiftieth best-managed companies in Canada, the largest independent commercial HVAC manufacturer’s representative in North America, and is rapidly growing, expanding their reach all across the United States. HTS New England is the regional division of HTS.

How does this benefit our customers?

The products and capabilities will exceed those of the proprietary, factory-based solutions of our competitors, providing:

  • A single source for products
  • Competitive pricing
  • Seamless experience
  • Non-proprietary, cutting-edge IoT environment
  • Increased operational efficiencies
  • Lower operational and lifetime costs
  • Reduced system start-up issues
  • Improved reliability
  • Powerful features
  • Simpler operation
  • Maximized return on investment
  • Faster commissioning times

We look forward to this important milestone and the continuation of our successful partnership with our customers.

Contact us with your questions, we’re excited to share the details with you.